Tsukuba Differential Geometry Seminar
The list of past talks (Academic year 2009)

The 3rd semester of 2009 academic year (December-February)

16 February Kouichi Kaizuka (Tohoku)
Smoothing effects of dispersive equations on noncompact symmetric spaces
26 January Mio Yamakawa (Univ. Tsukuba)
Convergence rates of approximate sums of geometric quantities
Ryutaro Kawakami (Univ. Tsukuba)
Geometry of Kähler manifolds
Tsunafusa Ohta (Univ. Tsukuba)
Volume comparison theorem for convex manifolds with boundary
Yosuke Anzai (Univ. Tsukuba)
Geometry on isometric transforms on hyperbolic spaces and H type groups
12 January Hiroyuki Tasaki (University of Tsukuba)
The intersection of two real forms in Hermitian symmetric spaces of compact type
22 December Satoshi Ishiwata (University of Tsukuba)
Geometric characterizations of manifolds with bottleneck type heat kernel estimates
19-20 December Workshop on Differential Geometry
--On the occasion of Professor Ito's retirement--
Webpage for the workshop

The 2nd semester of 2009 academic year (September-November)

17 November Takao Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba)
Spectral problem for orbifolds
27 October Fuminori Nakata (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Wave equations, Radon transforms and the LeBrun-Mason correspondence
20 October Katrin Leschke (University of Leicester)
Hamiltonian Stationary Lagrangian tori
6 October Takefumi kondo (Kobe University)
Proof of the fixed point theorem with a scaling limit and random groups
29 September Takumi Yokota (University of Tsukuba)
A rigidity theorem on Alexandrov spaces
15 September Hiroyuki Tasaki (University of Tsukuba)
Intersection of two real forms on 2-dimensional complex hypersurfaces
08 September Kazuyuki Enomoto (Tokyo University of Science)
Integral of the torsion of curves

The 1st semester of 2009 academic year (April-June)

16 June Kenichi Ito (University of Tsukuba)
Propagation and diffraction of singularities, and asymptotic behavior of geodesics
26 May Nobuhiro Honda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Minitwistor spaces, Severi varieties, and Einstein-Weyl structure
(joint work with Fuminori Nakata)
12 May Mikael Pichot (IPMU)
Examples of groups of intermediate rank and applications
21 April Mio Yamakawa (University of Tsukuba, M2)
Convergence rates of approximate sums of the areas of surfaces of revolution

 2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003   2002   2001 


University of Tsukuba
Institute of Mathematics
Diffrential Geometry Group
M. Itoh
T. Yamaguchi
H. Tasaki
R. Aiyama
K. Nagano
S. Ishiwata
K. Moriya

Maintained by: Satoshi Ishiwata 
Last updated: 26 January, 2010